When you head off on a Kimberley tour, chances are that you’ll be visiting Wyndham at some point. So, what can you expect when you visit? The northernmost town of the region, Wyndham has important links to the Kimberley’s past and has the character that you’d expect from an outback town. Today, we’ll be giving you some fast facts on Wyndham!
1. Oldest town in the Kimberley
Wyndham was established in 1886 by John Forrest during the gold rush to support the influx of miners. The town grew quickly and gold miners arrived by their hundreds by ship before heading off to Halls Creek to try their luck at striking it rich.
2. Important role in export
Although the gold rush has long since ended, Wyndham continues to play an important role in exporting cattle, iron ore and nickel. It also acts as a shipping facility for the various mining ventures in the surrounding areas, not the mention hosting the various tourist vessels which frequent the waters.
3. Bombed during WWII
Being the northernmost town in the Kimberley, Wyndham was vulnerable to attacks by the Japanese during WWII and during a raid on Broome and Wyndham in 1942, eight Japanese fighter planes hit Wyndham with bombs.
4. Hottest town in Australia
If you begin the feel the heat once you arrive in Wyndham, there’s a reason why. Although Marble Bar tends to break the record for peaks in hot temperatures, Wyndham is considered Australia’s hottest town due to the highest average daily temperature of 36 degrees Celsius.
5. Evidence of early settlement
If you’re interested in history, there is evidence of the early settlement in the Wyndham area in the three historical cemeteries. The Pioneer Cemetery (1886 – 1922), Afghan Cemetery (1890s) and Gully Cemetery (1922 – 1968) all give insight into the harsh environment that early pioneers and settlers to the area had to endure.
6. Home to the ‘prison tree’
Just south of Wyndham is the huge boab ‘prison tree’ which was once known as the Hillgrove Lockup. Due to the massive, hollowed-out trunk of the tree, it was used as a lockup for Aboriginal prisoners on their way for sentencing in Wyndham.
7. You can’t miss the entrance
Worried you might not know where the entrance is to the town? Don’t be – all you need to do is look out for the huge 20 metre crocodile constructed from steel rods, chicken wire and concrete. When it comes to inventive ways to greet visitors, you can’t get much better than that!
If you’re ready to set off on Kimberley tours Australia, let Ocean Dream Charters show you around. We take care of everything aboard our luxury 80 foot twin-hull catamaran and you’ll see all the highlights of this stunning region on one of our scheduled cruises. Private charters are also available if you want a customised Kimberley experience.
For a unique tour in the Kimberley, contact Ocean Dream Charters today on 1300 944 727 to begin your adventure.